A startrescue.co.uk story...

Organisers of the 2012 Olympics have given first details of the massive bus system that will be in place for the London games. The contract has gone to a firm called First Group. The official estimate is around 10 per cent of spectators will use direct bus services, with the same again catching coaches from Park & Ride sites. The multi-million pound deal means supplying 500 vehicles for venue shuttle services, 90 for Park & Ride, plus another 3,000 (sub-contracted to other operators) to provide transport from all over the UK to the Olympic site. It also means supplying all the drivers, support staff and a ticketing system that will work. Helluva job! Perhaps the most amusing thing is that First Group is based in Aberdeen, which is about as far away from east London as it’s possible to be. I hope they’re not all coming from there!